
Short-term supplement to diet calcium deficiency?_wine yogurt diet_healthy mixture _ヨーグルト_太りにくい

Short-term supplement to diet calcium deficiency?

Do you already know? The hot topic this year's going to be a trendy "wine yogurt diet." This method of eating a healthy mixture of yogurt and red wine before the meal.

I was originally investigating the cause of obesity in Japanese, from the research results could have been increased due to lack of calcium in the calcium can prevent obesity in what is called.

For the Japanese, for example, take the general adult calcium intake is below the average, for women it is becoming more pronounced. The women become menopausal women with hormone decreases,Increases the amount of leach calcium from bones, calcium deficiency is a result of this is that there is a possibility that the cause of obesity. This wine yogurt diet, The kind of red wine polyphenols, "anthocyanins" and I have included,
The yogurt I might be able to make the structure difficult to gain weight quickly and surprisingly also helps to eliminate constipation in an environment such as lactic acid bacteria in the intestines by good bacteria.


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